“Antioxidant and lipid peroxidation status in pre and post operative breast carcinoma”. B. Praba Sheela, S. Baskaran & Anju kumar singh (2011), International Journal of Pharma & Biosciences. Vol.2. Jan-Mar. B-450- B454.
- R.Vinayagamoorthi, Zachariah Bobby, C.Selvakumar. Lipoic acid Inhibits JNK Pathway and IRS-1 Serine Phosphorylation while Improving Insulin Sensitivity in Rat L6 Muscle Cells Exposed to Oxidative Stress. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 5(3)950-960,2014.
- Shewade HD,Palanivel C, Balamurugesan K, Vinayagamoorthi R, Sunderamurthy B, Vasudevan K, Basu S, Rajagopalan N. Feasibility of opportunistic screening for type 2 diabtes mellitus: Need for interventions to improve follow up. J Social health diabetes 2014;3:43-47.
- R.Vinayagamoorthi, Zachariah Bobby, A.Thiruvaimozhi. Potential role of redox sensitive serine kinase pathways in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research. 2, 259-269.2011.
- R. Vinayagamoorthi, Zachariah Bobby, M.G.Sridhar. Antioxidants preserve redox balance and inhibit c-Jun-N-terminal kinase pathway while improving insulin signaling in fat fed rats. Journal of Endocrinology 197, 287-296, 2008.
- D.N.Nandakumar, B.C.Koner, R.Vinayagamoorthi, N.Nevedita, V.S.Negi, K. Goswami, Zachariah Bobby. Activation of NF-kB in Lymphocytes and increase serum immunoglobulin in hyperthyroidism: Possible role of oxidative stress. Immunobiology 213, 409 – 415, 2008.
- M.G.Sridhar, R.Vinayagamoorthi, S.Arul, Zachariah Bobby, N.Selvaraj. Bitter Gourd improves insulin sensitivity by improving skeletal muscle insulin stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation in high fat fed rats. British Journal of Nutrition 99, 806-812, 2007.
- R.Vinayagamoorthi, Zachariah Bobby, N.Selvaraj, M.G.Sridhar. Vitamin E protects the insulin sensitivity and redox balance in rat L6 muscle cells exposed to oxidative stress. Clinica Chimica Acta 387,132-136.2006.
- S.Sajitha, M.G.Sridhar, V.Bhat, C.Lata, R.Vinayagamoorthi, M.John. Insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion at birth in intrauterine growth retarded infants. Chemical Pathology 38,236 – 238, 2006.
- Singh PA, Bobby Z, Selvaraj N, R.Vinayagamoorthi An evaluation of thyroid hormone status and oxidative stress in undialyzed chronic renal failure patients. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 50, 279-284, 2006.
- R.Vinayagamoorthi, B.C.Koner, S.Kavitha, D.N.Nandakumar, P.Padma Priya, Kalyan Goswami. Potentiation of humoral immune response and activation of NF-kB pathway in lymphocytes in experimentally induced hyperthyroid rats. Cellular Immunology 238, 56-60, 2005.
- Basu S, Sridhar M.G, Das A.K. Serum insulin levels in type II Diabetes Mellitus with vascular complications Ind J Med Biochem, 2005; 9(1): 17-20.
- Mohanty B, Basu S. Fundamentals of Practical Clinical Biochemistry; B.I. Publications: New Delhi,2006.
- Basu S, Mohanty B, Sarkar S, G. Sathees Kumar. Estimation of Iodine levels in drinking water in Puducherry district. Biomed Res 2007, 18(3): 171-173.
- Mohanty B, Basu S, Sarkar S. Estimation of Salt iodine in Pondicherry District. Ind J Public Health 2007;51(1): 76-78.
- Sarkar S, Mohanty B, Basu S. Iodine deficiency in school going children of Pondicherry. Ind J Paediatrics. 2007; 74; 731-31-34.
- Basu S, Umarani P, Srinivasan A.R. Association of Creatine Kinase (MB) and troponin (J) with electrocardiographic changes in acute myocardial infarction. Biomed Res 2009; 20(2): 84-86.
- Shewade H.D, Palanivel C, Balamurugesan K, Vinayagamoorthi R, Sunderamurthy B, Vasudevan K, Basu S, Rajagopalan N. Feasibility of opportunistic screening of type 2 diabetes mellitus: Need for interventions to improve follow up. J Social Health Diabetes 2015;3:43-7.
- Ramadass S, Basu S, Srinivasan A.R. Serum magnesium levels as an indicator of status of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, available online 24 May 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10/1016/j.dsx.2014.04.024
- Adiga U.S, Harris A, Ezhilvathani T.N, Basu S Serum electrolytes in senile cataract patients. Al Ameen Med Sci 2014; 7:164-68.
- Basu S A study of body mass index in the population and its association with blood pressure and serum levels of glucose and triacylglycerol. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013; 4:111-116.
- Basu S. Finalisation of title in Postgraduate Dissertation, A step by step approach for medical postgraduate ed. Ananthakrishnan N, B.I Publications Delhi 2013, pg 36-39.
- Mohanty B, Basu S CME on “Good clinical Research practice (GCRP) workshop at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 22/08/2014 and 23/08/2014.
- Level I Basic Science Workshop on Medical Education Technologies conducted by Medical Education Unit at Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Regional Centre, Porur, Chennai from 17/7/2013 to 19/7/2013.
- Workshop on “Bioethics for Members of Institute ethics committee” organised by Division of Research, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 3/04/2013.
- 6th National Insulin Summit on 24/11/2012 and 25/11/2012 at JIPMER, Pondicherry.
- CME on “Perspectives in Inborn Errors of Metabolism” at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 24/01/2012.
- CME on “Public Health and Medical Education” organised by Department of Psychiatry at IGMCRI on 8/04/2011.
- 24th Annual National Conference and International CME, 2011 at JIPMER on 24/09/2011 and 25/09/2011.
- Conference on Medical Education, MEDUCON, at JIPMER, organised by NTTC, JIPMER, on 1/10/2011 and 2/10/2011.
- IAMM, Pondicherry chapter meet on “Laboratory Accreditation” at IGMCRI on 2/11/2011.
- 19th Annual Conference of Association of Medical Biochemists of India at K.A.P.U Government Medical College, Trichy, Tamilnadu, between 15/12/2011 and 18/12/2011.
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